Best Guidelines to Know the Divorce Procedure for Overseas Pakistani
Overseas Pakistani Divorce Procedure: Record also showed that the alleged marriage was not performed even in the district where the lady was ordinarily residing rather, hundreds of miles away from her place of ordinary abode Stated marriage was registered and performed in a mosque, where no relative, friend or any other acquaintance of the bride was present, therefore, in such a situation, the evidence of lady which withstood the test of cross- examination was sufficient to convince that she did not enter into contract of marriage out of her own free-will in exercise of her right of option as she can follow divorce procedure for overseas Pakistani and procedure of divorce for overseas Pakistani. Lady, therefore, succeeded in discharging the onus of the issue and thereupon the burden shifted to the man to rebut the same through evidence that marriage between the parties was validly and lawfully performed by the lady in exercise of her free-will being the major, who consented for t...